Cailleach Podcast


I have been dreaming into this creation for a long time. Was I waiting for the most auspicious time? I’m not sure but it seems to have arrived!​ I was particularly inspired by others who had interview me for their podcasts (Maureen Howard’s Eco Living In Action and Finn Wendle’s Regenerative Livelihood.) It seems that even with fairly basic technical skills and equipment I could get going.

As I send it out into the multimediaverse my intention is that some or all of its elements will form their own connections for an audience that also hopes to be a part of the regeneration of life on earth.

There are 8 threads: Interviews, Story Time, Identity, Well of Being, Eco-System Thinking, Mediations, Ireland the Ancestors, & Hands On. There are 8 release dates on Celtic seasonal festivals.

In late 2020, I am recording and editing by the fireside in An Seanteachín, like a Seanchaí I am telling tales for these times or perhaps for the future ones, like my granddaughter Violet who was born in 2019, for her they might be tales of long ago.

Inspired and supported by my husband, my children, my granddaughter and my amazing wider family, friends community and interviewees on this podcast.



Cruthaigh means ‘to create’ in Irish and was brought about to inspire healing through creativity under the Spiral as the symbol for change in Ireland.

Creativity, inspiration and healing are three major elements to healthy individuals and communities and Cruthaigh intends on making that common knowledge around Ireland. It is very important for individuals to know that change must happen within themselves before the world will change. As above, so below, as within, so without.

By Cruthaigh becoming a nationally recognised entity that blurs the world’s of the ancient and the modern it is is destined that our lovely land of Ireland will once again become a festival of love and craic forevermore.

Eddie Lenihan Storyteller

Eolas Ársa

Eddie Lenihan is Ireland’s most well known storyteller. He has been telling tales for over 35 years. Each month, Eddie will share Irish wisdom and stories from the past on the Tell Me A Story with Eddie Lenihan podcast.

As a cultural preservationist, Eddie has amassed the largest collection of folk stories and tales in Ireland. His dedication to the tradition has seen him collect and compile stories from all across the country, particularly those that deal with the themes of the supernatural, fairies and Irish lore.

Candlelit Tales


Retelling the stories of Irish Myth as they were traditionally told: accessible, entertaining, and with live musical accompaniment, in cozy settings.

We are a group of storytellers, performers, and musicians. We tell Irish myths to a live audience with live music.

Candlelit Tales was founded by brother-sister storytelling duo Aron and Sorcha Hegarty. Driven by a passion for Irish mythology, we started retelling the stories to a near-empty room upstairs in a Dublin pub one rainy evening in November. The next week, the room was a lot less empty, and we were joined by musician Ru O’Sé. By the fourth week, the room was full, and so was the hall outside. We realised that when we share our passion, it becomes contagious. And we’ve been telling stories and playing music from that day to this. 

Since then, over the past five years of telling stories in the capital of this nation of storytellers, we have developed and refined our uniquely expressive, naturalistic and modern style. Live music is the heartbeat of all our performances, and a live original music score composed by a team of talented musicians drives the rhythm of the storytelling, weaving through the tale and sweeping the listener away. 

We take our favourite myths, and we don’t shy away from the sex and violence that was always present in the Irish storytelling tradition. We keep the depth, the wisdom, and the richness, and leaven it with humour, passion and playfulness to enchant audiences of all ages. 

Our guiding light has always been to make these stories accessible and available to as many people as we can. Because we love them, and we want everyone else in the world to have a chance to fall in love with them too. 

We are breathing life back into these old stories, for young and for old and in many different ways.

We will make you laugh, make you cry, and maybe even make you roar.

We want to let these stories live again, and we need you to listen.