I have been dreaming into this creation for a long time. Was I waiting for the most auspicious time? I’m not sure but it seems to have arrived! I was particularly inspired by others who had interview me for their podcasts (Maureen Howard’s Eco Living In Action and Finn Wendle’s Regenerative Livelihood.) It seems that even with fairly basic technical skills and equipment I could get going.
As I send it out into the multi–media–verse my intention is that some or all of its elements will form their own connections for an audience that also hopes to be a part of the regeneration of life on earth.
There are 8 threads: Interviews, Story Time, Identity, Well of Being, Eco-System Thinking, Mediations, Ireland the Ancestors, & Hands On. There are 8 release dates on Celtic seasonal festivals.
In late 2020, I am recording and editing by the fireside in An Seanteachín, like a Seanchaí I am telling tales for these times or perhaps for the future ones, like my granddaughter Violet who was born in 2019, for her they might be tales of long ago.
Inspired and supported by my husband, my children, my granddaughter and my amazing wider family, friends community and interviewees on this podcast.