Cailleach Podcast


I have been dreaming into this creation for a long time. Was I waiting for the most auspicious time? I’m not sure but it seems to have arrived!​ I was particularly inspired by others who had interview me for their podcasts (Maureen Howard’s Eco Living In Action and Finn Wendle’s Regenerative Livelihood.) It seems that even with fairly basic technical skills and equipment I could get going.

As I send it out into the multimediaverse my intention is that some or all of its elements will form their own connections for an audience that also hopes to be a part of the regeneration of life on earth.

There are 8 threads: Interviews, Story Time, Identity, Well of Being, Eco-System Thinking, Mediations, Ireland the Ancestors, & Hands On. There are 8 release dates on Celtic seasonal festivals.

In late 2020, I am recording and editing by the fireside in An Seanteachín, like a Seanchaí I am telling tales for these times or perhaps for the future ones, like my granddaughter Violet who was born in 2019, for her they might be tales of long ago.

Inspired and supported by my husband, my children, my granddaughter and my amazing wider family, friends community and interviewees on this podcast.

Brigit’s Garden


Themed on the Celtic seasonal festivals, Brigit’s Garden is widely regarded as one of the most spectacular gardens in Ireland set within 11 acres of native woodland & wildflower meadows. Its features include: a nature trail, ogham trees, children’s discovery trail, living willow play area, Roundhouse and calendar sundial, the largest in Ireland. Dine indoors in our light-filled dining room or al-fresco on our patio overlooking the Garden at our excellent Garden Café.

A walk through the four Gardens takes you on a journey through the Celtic cycle of the seasons, each garden representing one of the Celtic festival of SamhainImbolcBealtaine and Lughnasa. This seasonal cycle mirrors the cycle of life from conception to old age and death. The design weaves Celtic stories with contemporary design to create spaces that are beautiful and tranquil yet inspiring and full of life.

The Roundhouse nestles in the centre of the Gardens, with windows looking out onto each of the four Gardens. This is a place for art and music, meditation, meetings or just relaxing.

Meander along the Sun Trail and wander through our woodlands and meadows, with sun features, energy installations and the crannog, with boards giving visitors information on ecology, history and mythology.



Jeannine Luetzkendorf is an artist and designer, originally from Germany. She likes to work with and mix different media, but her vocation lies in sculpture, particularly ceramics. Her recent works have been profoundly inspired by the lore and myths of her new home in Drogheda, the heart of the Boyne valley. She creates series of small sculptures and takes commissions for custom made artworks. Her creations are tactile and experiment heavily with textures and glazes. Each of her pieces is unique and individually handcrafted.

Bog Bodies Band


 Bog Bodies are a heavy folk outfit (often dubbed “Bog Rock” or “Druid Rock”) formed by Irish singer-songwriter and anthropologist Dan Maher. Their genre-bending, high-energy folk sound is inspired by Dan’s close study and appreciation of ancient culture, pulling songs from the ether during visits to megalithic tombs and other ancient sites.

The forthcoming debut album has been written and arranged by Maher over the last 2 years of world-travel and has been scheduled for release in Fall of 2021.

FIONNÁIN Creative Arts


FIONNÁIN Creative Arts™ studio of creative art is a Mullingar based photographic, film, art, & design school for creative talent with an interest in creative arts and home to FINNimaje™ and Creative Director Jason Ó Fionnáin

Currently in pre-production, Gods & Fighting Men is an Irish historical drama filmed on location in Ireland set in the year 220 AD.



‘Treibh {Tribe} is an experimental music project releasing music throughout 2021 honouring the Solstices, Equinoxes and Fire Festivals on an album entitled ‘Roth na Bliana.’ {Wheel of the Year’} The goal of the venture being to explore Irish folklore, paganism and history throughout the year with music and art.

Featuring three core members from various musical and creative backgrounds, Adam Robert Martin, Martin Byrne and Amy Aoife McCausland, The album will feature traditional and some not so traditional instruments, with bilingual voice as well as some additional guest collaborators along the way.

Each piece of music is released on or around each Quarter Day and Fire Festival with artwork added to a central Wheel piece over the course of the year. The album will feature additional experimental ‘Threads’. These are more raw, experimental pieces, some improvised, some reworked, that tie each of the main pieces of music together to form a cohesive body of work.

‘Roth na Bliana’ is available as ‘pay what you like’ on Bandcamp and each time we release a track, those who have paid for the album get these new tracks free. Each track can also be streamed or purchased separately.

Hopefully by the end of 2021, the wheel will be complete and in 2022 we hope to take Treibh live to perform ‘Roth na Bliana’ for audiences.’

Mythical Mournes


My name is Aoife Mooney and I live in Mourne, County Down. I started Mythical Mournes in the summer of 2019 when I wrote some short stories for my niece, I told her about the fairies in the Mourne Mountains and the Mermaids in the sea and she loved them! I have always been enamoured by the thought of mythical creatures and so I decided to start an Instagram page to showcase my poetry and short stories as it’s not something I had seen before and I thought people would enjoy them.

Sunday Sessions at Carrowcrory Labyrinth Gardens

Eolas Ársa

A quiet tranquil space in rural Co. Sligo where nature joins traditions, and sources of stories and inspiration are abundant.

Carrowcrory Sunday Sessions is our online weekly time of exploring nature centred sidhe, water, and tree folklore, and connecting this to your favourite sanctuary spaces. From within our own Tree Labyrinth Garden we broadcast encouragement to contemplate this lore from within your own favourite nature sanctuary. Then express your inspired visions there through your poetry, writing, art, craft and problem solving.