The Fading Year

Eolas Ársa

The Fading Year is an Irish Folklore Blog founded by Nev Swift in October 2015.

The Fading Year explores and creates content relating to Irish Calendar Customs and Seasonal Folklore as practiced and observed in Ireland during the nineteenth century – although, for context and to explore the development of Irish Customs, Traditions and Beliefs material from before and after this period is sometimes referred to.

Nev Swift studied Irish Folklore and History in University College Dublin and received a degree in these subjects in 2013. He continued his education in UCD completing a Masters in Archives and Records Management in 2014.

Nev Swift is currently working as an archivist in his native Dublin.

Sunday Sessions at Carrowcrory Labyrinth Gardens

Eolas Ársa

A quiet tranquil space in rural Co. Sligo where nature joins traditions, and sources of stories and inspiration are abundant.

Carrowcrory Sunday Sessions is our online weekly time of exploring nature centred sidhe, water, and tree folklore, and connecting this to your favourite sanctuary spaces. From within our own Tree Labyrinth Garden we broadcast encouragement to contemplate this lore from within your own favourite nature sanctuary. Then express your inspired visions there through your poetry, writing, art, craft and problem solving.

Eddie Lenihan Storyteller

Eolas Ársa

Eddie Lenihan is Ireland’s most well known storyteller. He has been telling tales for over 35 years. Each month, Eddie will share Irish wisdom and stories from the past on the Tell Me A Story with Eddie Lenihan podcast.

As a cultural preservationist, Eddie has amassed the largest collection of folk stories and tales in Ireland. His dedication to the tradition has seen him collect and compile stories from all across the country, particularly those that deal with the themes of the supernatural, fairies and Irish lore.