Aisling Fraser


Aisling Fraser is a medium for this ancient Energetic Healing process
FROM THIS LAND that dates back over 6000 years. She is based in her
healing space Danuwellness located in Midleton Co. Cork and also travels
to where her work takes her holding seasonal gatherings outdoors. She is
a traditional healer, reflexologist, Aromatherapist and Body Worker who
leads with intuition and heart. Together with Aisling, open up a space
to Renew your Cells. BREATHE NEW LIFE INTO YOUR BODY. Renew your inner
desire to be free and to align with your true purpose. Wherever you feel
stuck, wherever there is old patterning, belief systems holding you
back, allow this ancient energetic process to weave freshness into your
bodily systems, cleaning,clearing and removing anything that is not in
alignment with your true purpose here on earth.

Receive High Healing Transmissions and active living energetic Prayer in
a sacred space held by Aisling,

Are you worn out, tired, stuck, held back, anxious, limited, lacking in
abundance??? If any of the above is how you feel right now, come join
Aisling in intimate gathering or 1 to 1 healing session to set yourself
free of the weight and step into your own power.

Aisling is a student of Ger Lyons Global Healer who travels around the
world sharing this tradition.

For more information on Aislings work see her website


>> Listen to Aislings Poetry Danuwellness Poetry

>> Danuwellness Instagram

>> danuwellness facebook

Seán Fitzgerald


Seán Fitzgerald is an artist and writer in County Donegal. Starting in 1989 and throughout the nineties, Seán began self-publishing ‘Protest’, a heavily illustrated publication that covered issues around equality, feminism, worker’s autonomy, music, political prisoners and more. Past issues are now part of the permanent archived collection in University College Cork Library.

As the 2000s rolled in, Seán began hosting a podcast called ‘Scairt Radio’ (meaning ‘Shout’ in Irish), which was also aired on A-Radio in Athens, Greece. The show interviewed bands and community activists around the world. Each episode featured insights from political activist Mumia Abu-Jamal, who spoke from his perspective as a death row political prisoner.

Throughout the early nineties and beyond,Seán continued illustrating for grassroots community groups, as well as book and album covers. In 2010 Seán began working on a book combining Irish mythology and folklore to tell the story of the Tuatha Dé Danann and Fomorians. This was drawing from folk knowledge passed down through generations rather than just academic sources.

In 2019 this work saw the light of day as the book “The Last Battle of Moytura”. Currently Seán is finishing an extensively illustrated exploration of traditional Irish ritual, which is rooted in hands-on experience and decades of research, drawing from Old and Middle Irish manuscripts as well as folk traditions.My art and writing is very much part of my focus on positive community development by fostering well being through cultural connection. So, I am deeply appreciative of being part of such a supportive community of like minded people within An Comhairle Sióg na hÉireann. Some people today use the word ‘fairy’ as a homophobic taunt and the phrase “away with the fairies” to suggest someone is out of touch with reality or mental illness. I think it is empowering to reclaim words and bring fairy back to the Sidhe and folklore tradition.


Kate Flo Murphy


Kate Flo Murphy is a photographer, filmmaker, musician and guide from West Cork. Her visual work explores the relationship between body and earth, contemplating the many ways in which the human landscape, specifically the female body, and the natural world are extensions and mirrors of each other. Kate’s imagery provides an intimate perspective on and into the body as a powerful portal and sacred vessel between realms of form and formless.

Kate strives to empower through her healing photoshoots and visual work, and reminds both the observer and participant of our greater need for connection and togetherness, and our innate power on this long and winding journey home to ourselves. Her mission is to support women in their rewilding, to remember, reconnect and reclaim their own true magic and medicine.

Many themes are touched on in her work and these are largely centred around our connection to spirit and earth to assist us in the integration of the spiritual into the physical, on our healing journey
to wholeness.

Kate’s photos and empowered embodiment gatherings encourage women to connect with their own body and to deeply root into the immediate landscape that surrounds them.

She is passionate about providing a safe space for women to come into unity, to express authentically with courage and to support one another in integrity for our collective well-being. She creates deep contemplation through portraying the beauty and the pain of this complex human experience beyond words, time and space.



>> Instagram: @kateflomurphy

Ursula Burns


The Dangerous Harpist

Songwriter, multi-instrumentalist and comedienne Ursula Burns has been smashing the stereo-typical image of the harp for 25 years by performing and touring the world through the mediums of Music,  Theatre, Circus and Comedy.  Burns has invented her own wild style of playing and strong captivating live performance in her solo shows. Ursula accidentally fell into comedy when she won the Irish Musical Comedy Awards 2012 and since has been touring her solo shows. As a veteran of Edinburgh festival she  got nominated for the Malcolm Hardee Award for comic originality.  Burns has 6 solo albums and a wealth of music composed for childrens theatre. A diverse and compelling artist who is not afraid to take risks and push the harp to places it has never dared to venture………….

Find out more:

Healing Creations Studio


Mandala Spiritual Art by Patricia Fitzgerald

All of my work, from the artwork, the meditations, the books and to the spaces I hold at workshops or retreats has one common thread which is my deepest wish to carve out a space for you to connect to your deeper, higher self. A space for you to find your centre, your stillness and your clarity. To offer to you a space that gives you greater vision and empowerment, connecting you to your deeper self and to a power greater than your self, regardless of your religious beliefs or none. That can be through meditating on an artwork or limited edition print, through doing a meditation or through reading my books or blog posts. It could be coming along to a workshop or retreat. I believe that this held space is hugely important for us in a world that is so fast-paced and often relentless. I offer you spaciousness to yield to a quieter yin experience.

Patricia Fitzgerald


Facebook – Instagram – Pinterest – YouTube

Caoivín Music


Caoivín is an Irish neo-traditional musician currently based in Dublin. Born into a musical family, he began playing traditional Irish music at the tender age of 5 and spent the majority of his early childhood summers travelling to and from various different fleadhs and music weeks. In his late teens and early twenties, Caoivín began to develop an interest in a number of genres outside of the traditional Irish music realm, in particular various forms of dance and electronic music. Caoivín’s creations are influenced by the range of styles which he has been exploring from that point up until now, while being rooted at the same time to the long unbroken lineage of traditional music on which he was reared.

Cailleach Podcast


I have been dreaming into this creation for a long time. Was I waiting for the most auspicious time? I’m not sure but it seems to have arrived!​ I was particularly inspired by others who had interview me for their podcasts (Maureen Howard’s Eco Living In Action and Finn Wendle’s Regenerative Livelihood.) It seems that even with fairly basic technical skills and equipment I could get going.

As I send it out into the multimediaverse my intention is that some or all of its elements will form their own connections for an audience that also hopes to be a part of the regeneration of life on earth.

There are 8 threads: Interviews, Story Time, Identity, Well of Being, Eco-System Thinking, Mediations, Ireland the Ancestors, & Hands On. There are 8 release dates on Celtic seasonal festivals.

In late 2020, I am recording and editing by the fireside in An Seanteachín, like a Seanchaí I am telling tales for these times or perhaps for the future ones, like my granddaughter Violet who was born in 2019, for her they might be tales of long ago.

Inspired and supported by my husband, my children, my granddaughter and my amazing wider family, friends community and interviewees on this podcast.



Cruthaigh means ‘to create’ in Irish and was brought about to inspire healing through creativity under the Spiral as the symbol for change in Ireland.

Creativity, inspiration and healing are three major elements to healthy individuals and communities and Cruthaigh intends on making that common knowledge around Ireland. It is very important for individuals to know that change must happen within themselves before the world will change. As above, so below, as within, so without.

By Cruthaigh becoming a nationally recognised entity that blurs the world’s of the ancient and the modern it is is destined that our lovely land of Ireland will once again become a festival of love and craic forevermore.