There are over 3,000 registered ancient wells in Ireland. Natural springs of clear, healthy water flowing freely from the land. It is no wonder that wells were regarded as very special spaces for most of Irish history – even to present days. The well was the community’s waterhole, where everyone crossed paths and bonds were established. They were places of gratitude in times of plenty and consolation in times of strife. Boons and gifts for the deep powers of the Land were cast upon the waters. Caring for the well meant survival, not only for yourself, but for all your kin. This is the province of the maintenance, upkeep, restoring, registering and rediscovering of Ireland’s ancient wells; the caretaking of lakes and rivers. Education about water purification, irrigation and cycles, water fauna and flora, ecosystems. The study of the relation between water and the human body, mind and spirit.
Uisce Projects
• Water Care & Preservation
Save the Boyne
A planning application for a 7.2 km pipeline to discharge 400,000 litres of treated wastewater into the Boyne River is in its next round of review.