It is widely accepted that in Ancient Ireland, a king was required to symbolically marry the Goddess of the Land to ensure her blessing and bring prosperity to his community. Only the Land had the power to bestow abundance, and the king was bound to be worthy of it by showing impeccable behaviour, judgement and fairness. We are honoured to call this island our home, and we are reminded of the myriad ways in which our Ancestors developed ways to work with, not against, the Land herself. The unique environments and biological diversity of Ireland must to be protected by techniques and approaches that support the Land that allows us to be. From smart farming and permaculture to the care of hedges, forests and endemic species. Foraging, natural medicine, weaving, mapping, fire management and responsible outdoor living. This province aims at supporting projects related to the Land and the complex, deeply human relation between itself and the Tribe.
Tallamh Projects
• Rewilding, Ancestral Skills & Bushcraft
The Phantom Planters
I challenge you to phantom plant a tree! Anywhere, anytime, any place
• Adventures, Festivals, Outdoors and Sacred Sites
• Permaculture, Conservation, Care of Life & Biodiversity
Ecotherapy Network Ireland
The Ecotherapy Network Ireland supports and promotes practitioners who work with the principles of Ecopsychology and Ecotherapy.
“For every sale we plant one native tree or shrub.”
• Human Care
We advise on music, photography, politics, poetry, visual art, adventures, and general mischief.
We are dedicated to bring Whistles, Tents Sleeping bags and other Aid to Refugee camps around the world.
Dating for lovers of nature, earth, art and soul
Grá Fiánta Herbal
My name is Leasha, I am a community folk herbalist living in Belfast.