Kate Flo Murphy


Kate Flo Murphy is a photographer, filmmaker, musician and guide from West Cork. Her visual work explores the relationship between body and earth, contemplating the many ways in which the human landscape, specifically the female body, and the natural world are extensions and mirrors of each other. Kate’s imagery provides an intimate perspective on and into the body as a powerful portal and sacred vessel between realms of form and formless.

Kate strives to empower through her healing photoshoots and visual work, and reminds both the observer and participant of our greater need for connection and togetherness, and our innate power on this long and winding journey home to ourselves. Her mission is to support women in their rewilding, to remember, reconnect and reclaim their own true magic and medicine.

Many themes are touched on in her work and these are largely centred around our connection to spirit and earth to assist us in the integration of the spiritual into the physical, on our healing journey
to wholeness.

Kate’s photos and empowered embodiment gatherings encourage women to connect with their own body and to deeply root into the immediate landscape that surrounds them.

She is passionate about providing a safe space for women to come into unity, to express authentically with courage and to support one another in integrity for our collective well-being. She creates deep contemplation through portraying the beauty and the pain of this complex human experience beyond words, time and space.


>> kateflomurphy.com 

>> Instagram: @kateflomurphy