Annie Hogg


I am a Tipperary based visual artist whose work and practice is around
being in nature as an equal participant.

Some of the materials I work with include soils and their microbes, rain
waters, mineral colours, tears and charred found natural objects.

I aim to look at our current ecological world situation through the lens
of questioning.

Since I was a pup, I have felt the desire to express love and rage for
the wild world and the domesticated world. This has culminated in many
ways throughout my live, with this more recent development of
channelling such things into an active creative practice, which is
suiting both me and the hound with whom I am privileged to spend my days
and ways.

I aim to create work through themes and materials which hold the
integrity of protest to bring about positive change and enable a view of
the world where we are each partakers as opposed to takers.

A second installation in a larger body of work around these themes will
be opening in late summer of 2024 in The Quadrangle Art Gallery at
University College Galway.


>> @anniehogg_thewildhedgeinkco