moy hill is a farm: we grow worthy food, build soil, regenerate systems, plant flowers and trees and work to leave what is in our care healthier than we found it.
moy hill is also a community: we grow culture, honesty, accountability, reverence and joy.
MOY HILL is a YES to:
– more good food growing
– more woodland planted
– more sovereignty over our food, water and education
We want more
Good food growing and reaching bellies in the most delicious, nourishing way possible. We care about things like: soil, wildlife, the ocean, renewable energy, animal welfare, the most vulnerable in society, and food good enough for our children.
This year we will grow to provide 75 weekly veg boxes for local families.
14,000 native trees like oak, rowan, hazel and birch have been planted on our farm. This land is protected and will become a natural woodland ecosystem over the coming years – something we see as vital for supporting animal and plant welfare.
We have created a 300 tree apple, pear and plum orchard. You’re welcome to visit!
SOVEREIGNTY Over our food, water and education:
We see and feel a foundation of vibrant food, clean water, and right education as a step towards lifelong happiness, health and purpose. We cannot expect those (often decent and caring) people in ‘government’ to match and create our desires, or to perceive the subtle rhythms of our land – it is up to us. Yes, we can do it. But as old men and women, may we gather and know that we did our absolute, bravest, boldest best to leave a better world for our children.
We frequently receive visits from educational institutions (Irish and UK universities, Steiner and conventional schools etc); resourcing more of this is a key function of the farm.
For people to contribute their time and resources in benefit of all:
More subtle work is happening here, work which outlasts any box of lettuce or sugar snap peas. That is the work of healing.
Each week dozens of people pass through the farm – activists, supporters, tourists, surfers, musicians, craftsmen, neighbours and those known as ‘shovel-brothers’. Some come to give their energy or technical knowledge, some bring their children to play, others share good times and food. Yet there are also those for whom the farm is a place to ‘take a breath’ – to stop, relax and come back to self-care. This has become known as social farming.