Rebuilding Community through the wells
We in Ireland recognise and celebrate our rich heritage in Holy Wells. This is a project to discover, and caretake our primary source water through our interaction with the holy wells. We aim to give back to this wonderful island we live on.
What we do
PURIFICATION: We use natural organic methods to purify the water and bring these wells back to a potable water source, as well as provide education and community building support around these heritage sites.
COMMUNITY: We believe the wells to be great community resource and aim to aid each community to find their own pride and creativity show through the wells.
HISTORY: Each well tells a rich tale, from is history in building, they it’s local histories and the cores, rounds beliefs around each of these wells. We endeavour to collect local lore about each well.
DATABASE: We are beginning to form a database of wells country wide.
EDUCATION: We provide workshops in:
- Methods to clean Wells
- Customs and Beliefs around Wells
- The Path of Christian Saints
- Water for Health
- The Myth of Wells